Chris Dowgin


Dowgin Industries are the various companies of Chris Dowgin's. Being of Norwegian descent, he follows his families trends to to have various permanent trades throughout the year. Each are a joy to him!

First he started off counseling then he moved on to publishing. To this date he has written 10 Children's books, in which he illustrated, and 2 nonfiction books. He is the editor of a quarterly magazine and overlooks ten authors and 30 books. Always there for new authors helping them brainstorm plots to designing their finished books, Chris has proven to be quite creative and efficent.

At the same time to market those two endeavors he taught himself web design and SEO. He acquired the skills necessary to promote his businesses and yours online. Good design and strong online marketing for Googlebots and your consumers.

Also he has designed a banquet hall to be built on the North Shore of Boston in New England's Wedding District on the Gold Coast. For more information on investing in Vingolf Banquet Hall, click here.


Chris Dowgin was born in Princeton, NJ and raised in the NJ Pine Barrens. His great grandfather had started two newspapers in England and his great great grandfather had owned the second largest newspaper chain in the country based in Manchester. Hulton & Co. have long been sold, but Chris has picked up the Witer viewed from above with a tray of winepublishing mantle. He has been a resident of Salem, MA for 25 years and is well known in town. One person said introducing him at a music festival, "If you have been in Salem for 15 minutes and yo have not met Chris, something is wrong." His interest in computers started when he was 12 when he would copy code from magazines to build games on his Apple IIE. He has lectured, gave classes, and heads the Salem Junto. Salem Junto is a master mind group that helps each other propel their inventions, ideas, and businesses forward. If your interested in like minded individuals who help bolster new technology and ideas visit our Salem Junto Page. He has been a painter 39 years and that creative flair can be seen in all that he does. Also he is an avid historian all of his life piecing puzzles and lines of thought together and bringing you to amazing connections and results. He has written two history books and does tours on Salem history. He is available for whatever historical research you may need for print, TV, radio, or film. Several mystery books from Janet Evanovich to Carol Perry have used Dowgin's books for research. Call Chris in for your next project.